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AG 5 – MPEG Visual Quality Assessment

Terms of reference: To support needs for quality assessment testing in close coordination with the relevant MPEG Working Groups, dealing with visual quality, with the following activities:

  • To assess the visual quality of new technologies to be considered to begin a new standardization project;
  • To contribute to the definition of Calls for Proposals (CfPs) for new standardization work items;
  • To select and design subjective quality evaluation methodologies and objective quality metrics for the assessment of visual coding technologies, e.g. in the context of a Call for Evidence (CfE) and CfP;
  • To contribute to the selection of test material and coding conditions for a CfP;
  • To define the procedures useful to assess the visual quality of the submissions to a CfP;
  • To design and conduct visual quality tests, process and analyse the raw data, and make the report of the evaluation results available conclusively;
  • To support in the assessment of the final status of a standard, verifying its performance compared to the existing standard(s);
  • To maintain databases of test material;
  • To recommend guidelines for selection of testing laboratories (verifying their current capabilities);
  • To liaise with ITU and other relevant organizations on the creation of new Quality Assessment standards or the improvement of the existing ones.

Meeting documents of AG 5

MPEG 149

Explorations49 - Quality metrics for 2D videoCVQM - Dataset of compressed video for study of quality metrics (v1)

MPEG 148

MPEG-I3 - Versatile Video CodingReport on results of expert viewing for dual-layer VVC coding
MPEG-C9 - Film grain synthesis technology for video applicationsReport on subjective quality testing of the FGC SEI message

MPEG 147

Explorations50 - Interactive testing for volumetric visual mediaReport on interactive subjective quality assessment test investigations for volumetric video

MPEG 146

Explorations41 - Enhanced compression beyond VVC capabilityVisual quality comparison of ECM/VTM encoding
Explorations49 - Quality metrics for 2D videoCall for learning-based video codecs for study of quality assessment, version 2

MPEG 144

ExplorationsCVQM - Dataset of compressed video for study of quality metrics (draft 2)
ExplorationsCall for learning-based video codecs for study of quality assessment, version 1
MPEG-I3 - Versatile Video CodingReport of verification test on VVC multi-layer coding: Content layering

MPEG 140

Explorations41 - Enhanced compression beyond VVC capabilityVisual quality comparison of ECM/VTM encoding

MPEG 138

ExplorationsLearning-based quality metrics and 2D video databases under study (v2)

MPEG 137

Explorations37 - Quality of Immersive MediaOverview of quality metrics and methodologies for immersive visual media (v3)

MPEG 136

AllGuidelines for Verification Testing of Visual Media Specifications
AllGuidelines for Remote Experts Viewing sessions
AllReport on MPEG AG 5 Workshop on Quality of Immersive Media: Assessment and Metrics

MPEG 135

ManagementAHGs Established at 4th Meeting
AllGuidelines for Verification Testing of Visual Media Specifications (draft 2)
AllGuidelines for remote experts viewing sessions (draft 1)
AllWorkshop on Quality of Immersive Media: Assessment and Metrics

MPEG 133

ManagementAHGs Established at 2nd AG05 Meeting