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AG 2 – MPEG Technical Coordination

AG 2 MPEG Technical Coordination coordinates the standardization activities of MPEG working groups (WG) and MPEG advisory groups (AG). For MPEG standards to be successful, Requirements on a standard, Call for Proposals for new technology, and the actual standardization processes need to be harmonized in order to allow for the seamless integration of new technology into the MPEG ecosystem which provides services like storage and streaming capabilities. At the same time AG 2 fosters the exchange of information and technology components between WG and AG.

Terms of reference: To oversee the progress of development of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 MPEG standards according to the work plan, identify needs for interaction between and among working and advisory groups, and take appropriate actions to improve standards development.

Meeting documents of AG 2

MPEG 149

Meeting Notice of the 150th MPEG meeting including the 19th meeting of SC29/AG2,3,5, WG2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Request for offers to host an MPEG meeting (MPEG 155, MPEG 157 - MPEG 158)
Draft guidelines for meeting hosts of SC29 MPEG Groups (January 2025)

MPEG 148

Meeting Notice of the 149th MPEG meeting including the 18th meeting of SC29/AG2,3,5, WG2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Request for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 155 - MPEG 158)

MPEG 147

Request for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 155 - MPEG 158)
Meeting Notice of the 148th MPEG meeting including the 17th meeting of SC29/AG2,3,5, WG2,3,4,5,6,7,8

MPEG 146

Request for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 154 - MPEG 157)
Meeting Notice of the 147th MPEG meeting including the 16th meeting of SC29/AG2,3,5, WG2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Draft guidelines for meeting hosts of SC29 MPEG Groups (April 2024)

MPEG 145

Request for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 149 - MPEG 154)
Meeting Notice of the 146th MPEG meeting including the 15th meeting of SC29/AG2,3,5, WG2,3,4,5,6,7,8

MPEG 144

Request for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 149 - MPEG 154)
Meeting Notice of the 145th MPEG meeting including the 14th meeting of SC29/AG2,3,5, WG2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Draft guidelines for meeting hosts of SC29 MPEG Groups (Oct 2023)

MPEG 143

Request for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 148 - MPEG 153)
Meeting Notice of the 144th MPEG meeting including the 13th meeting of SC29/AG2,3,5, WG2,3,4,5,6,7,8

MPEG 142

Request for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 143 - MPEG 152)
Meeting Notice of the 143rd MPEG meeting including the 12th meeting of SC29/AG2,3,5, WG2,3,4,5,6,7,8

MPEG 141

Request for offers to host an MPEG meeting (MPEG 143 - MPEG 150)
Meeting Notice of the 142nd MPEG meeting including the 11th meeting of SC29/AG2,3,5, WG2,3,4,5,7,8

MPEG 140

AdministrativeRequest for offers to host an MPEG meeting (MPEG 143 - MPEG 150)

MPEG 139

AdministrativeRequest for offers to host an MPEG meeting (MPEG 142 - MPEG 150)

MPEG 138

AdministrativeRequest for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 142 - MPEG 149)

MPEG 137

AdministrativeRequest for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 142 - MPEG 149)
Ad hoc group rules for MPEG AGs and WGs
Slides of AG 4 workshop on image-related activities, current and future

MPEG 136

AdministrativeRequest for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 140 - MPEG 148)

MPEG 135

AdministrativeRequest for offers to host a MPEG meeting (MPEG 140 - MPEG 146)

MPEG 134

AdministrativeRequest for offers to host MPEG 141 and MPEG 142
Ad hoc group rules for MPEG AGs and WGs

MPEG 133

AdministrativeRequest for offers to host MPEG 141
Ad hoc group rules for MPEG AGs and WGs