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WG 8 – MPEG Genomic Coding

WG08, “MPEG Genomic Coding” Working Group, develops standards for the efficient compression, transport, access and processing of genome sequencing data, metadata, primary and secondary analysis data, and related annotations. The MPEG-G family of standards include: file and transport formats, various options for the indexing, structuring and classification of genomic data, as well as compression technology for raw reads, aligned reads, metadata and annotation data. In addition standard APIs support interoperability for the selective protection of the compressed data and complex queries of reads and metadata in the compressed domain.

Terms of reference: Development of standards for different types of Genomic Data, with the following programme of work:

  • Serve as responsible body within ISO/IEC for recommending a set of standards consistent with the area of work;
  • Cooperate with other standardisation bodies dealing with similar applications;
  • Consider requirements for inter-working with other genomic data coding approaches defined by other standardisation bodies;
  • Define relevant input genomic data material;
  • Develop and test efficient coding-decoding algorithms for raw data, associated analysis data and associated annotation data;
  • Establish performance analysis criteria;
  • Analyse performance by core experimentations;
  • Establish complexity analysis criteria;
  • Perform complexity analysis for representative sets of tools and algorithms;
  • Provide source code implementation for proposed standards;
  • Propose standards for the coded representation of genomic data and associated metadata;
  • Perform explorations with respect to new technology trend areas within the scope of work.

Meeting documents of WG 8

MPEG 148

MPEG-GMPEG-G Genomic Information Database

MPEG 147

MPEG-GMPEG-G Genomic Information Database

MPEG 143

MPEG-G3 - Metadata and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)Approaches under discussion for the MPEG-G support of provenance information

MPEG 142

MPEG-GApproaches under discussion for the MPEG-G support of provenance information

MPEG 139

MPEG-G3 - Metadata and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)Proposed Solutions to support ISO 23494 Biotechnology – Provenance Information Model for Biological Material and Data

MPEG 137

MPEG-GMPEG-G Genomic Information Database

MPEG 134

MPEG-GJoint Call for Proposals on new advanced features and new technologies for MPEG-G
MPEG-GRequirements for the Joint Call for Proposals on New Advanced Features and New Technologies for MPEG-G
MPEG-GEvaluation Procedure for the Joint Call for Proposals on New Advanced Features and New Technologies for MPEG-G

MPEG 133

MPEG-GMPEG-G Genomic Information Database
ManagementAHGs Established at 2nd WG08 Meeting

MPEG 132

Press release of the 1st SC29/WG 08 meeting